Local Election Results 2024

We are very pleased with this year’s local election results especially in Binley and Willenhall where Paul Cowley achieved 1421 votes (40%) coming short by just 58 votes to beat Labour.

This shows why it is important for people to go out and vote because every vote matters and can be the difference between bringing the change Coventry desperately needs or more of the same from Labour and Conservatives.

Paul and the team have worked tirelessly in Binley and Willenhall speaking to local residents and listening to their concerns.

However, Labour have once again framed the local elections around national politics because they want to distract voters from the way they are running the council.

Paul Cowley (Binley & Willenhall) said:

“Thank you to everyone who voted. I am fully committed to Binley and Willenhall and the Coventry Citizens Party.

“I will continue to work hard to support local residents and improve the wider community.”

Cameron Baxter (Party Leader) said:

“I would like to thank everyone who contributed to our campaign this year and everyone who gave us their vote.”

See our election results below.


Bablake – Tony Middleton 194 (5%)

Binley & Willenhall – Paul Cowley 1421 (40%)

Cheylesmore – Josh Finch 178 (4%)

Foleshill – Teri Fogden 180 (4%)

Henley – Tom Watts 229 (6%)

Longford – Denise Sanchez 178 (5%)

Lower Stoke – Dani Stringfellow 205 (5%)

Sherbourne – Julian Montague 161 (4%)

St Michael’s – Karen Wilson 186 (5%)

Upper Stoke – Marcus Fogden 218 (6%)

Wainbody – Adam Hancock 104 (3%)

Westwood – Nate Lewis 139 (3%)

Whoberley – Ian Stringfellow 132 (4%)

Woodlands – Lorna Williams 121 (3%)

Wyken – Gary Cooper 180 (5%)

Nuneaton & Bedworth:

Exhall – Andrew Frampton 59 (2%)

Exhall – Megan Frampton 51 (2%)

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